We have been manufacturing Timber Windows and Timber Doors for nearly 40 years now, and one of the most common questions we are asked is “Why should I opt for Timber instead of uPVC?” In the last 25 years, the technology available to joinery manufacturers has drastically improved.

When we first started manufacturing external joinery products, timber windows and doors had a bad reputation. It has taken many years of R&D to optimise the products we manufacture today. The ironmongery, profiles and weather strips we use are constantly reviewed to ensure the product is manufactured to the highest security and weather proofing standards. This has been proved by all of our products being tested to the latest Part Q standards.
Here is our guide to the 7 major advantages of choosing our Timber Windows and Doors over UPVC;
1. Quality of Product
Our Timber windows and doors are manufactured to the highest standards using the highest quality timber available to us. This means you receive a product that can potentially outlast pretty much any commercially available man-made product. Though uPVC products are lower maintenance than their timber alternatives, uPVC can have an expected lifespan of as little as 10-15 years. In recent years, the advances in timber have also helped us provide a superior product. We now utilise laminated knot free timber in certain applications to ensure the timber stays straight and true, without the risk of excessive movement.
2. Finish
All of our windows and doors are protected with a high performance factory applied coating system. This consists of three important layers. A preservative/primer applied by special flood coating equipment that allows the protection to get into every cut end and rebate. The penetration into the timber is superior to alternative spray or brush applied priming coats. A special spray is applied mid coat which enhances the waterproofing of the surface and forms a barrier to unsightly tannin stains. Finally, a satin finishing layer is applied that provides a perfectly smooth appearance and a highly durable water resistant film. The overall protection has a film thickness that is greater than could be achieved with five brush applied layers. Only minimal maintenance is required in the form of periodically cleaning the exterior face of the products and ensuring there isn't a build-up of foliage, which can affect the paint finish. We do offer a guarantee on the paint, which is dependent on the shade of colour chosen.
3. Sustainability
Timber joinery components are much more environmentally friendly to produce than uPVC. On average, it can take up to 8 times more energy to produce extruded uPVC section than a comparable timber section, with up to 40% more waste produced than a timber alternative. In some recent surveys, producing timber windows and doors can actually come with a negative GWP (global warming potential), meaning that over a long period of service, a timber component can actually reduce the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere. We are proud to say that all of the timber we use in our products is sourced from companies that can prove they have a strong approach to environmental responsibility by only obtaining timber from sustainable sources
4. Serviceability
All of our windows and doors are fully maintainable, with elements that can be repaired or replaced if ever required. Quite often in the uPVC market, maintenance requires specialist knowledge and individual parts can be difficult to replace.
5. Longevity
When choosing between timber and uPVC windows/doors, uPVC will almost always come out as the cheaper option. However, they rarely offer the best value. Timber windows and doors will always outlast a uPVC product, and will add more value to your property (particularly if it is a period home)
6. Bespoke Made Product
Once your new chosen product has been fitted to the property, one of the most important aspects of the purchase will be the aesthetics. uPVC windows have spoilt the look of many a beautiful property over the years. The technology in the uPVC market has meant the look of the product is improving, though they will never give the look or feel of wood. You can now have traditional details in timber windows, without sacrificing performance
7. Performance and Security
Timber is a natural insulator, which when used in fenestration can help keep the temperature of a house more comfortable. We now use a range of warm edge spacer bars in all of our glass units as standard to ensure you are getting maximum energy efficiency from the entire casement, whilst reducing any heat loss through thermal transfer. Another large part of the latest Part 'Q' regulations (as previously mentioned) is weather testing. This means all of the products are fully tested against air permeability, water tightness and wind resistance. Again, this means a substantial amount of research has been used to ensure all of our profiles, ironmongery and glass result in the product returning an excellent energy rating.